TMX Localization Editor , a Vermont Department of Taxes project, is a Java Swing GUI built for working with files supporting the TMX localization standard. To find out the current development status, when the next version will be released and what new features will be included, check out the status page.
The TMX-Editor 0.1.4 has been released! This time around we added in cleaner TMX file output as well as larger text areas to enter in translation values. Now when saving out a TMX file, the file will be sorted alphabetically, no namespaces will be appeneded on to tag names and leading/trailing whitespace is now trimmed from values. To get your hands on it, head over to our download section!
TMX-Editor development is chugging along! This release follows a successful restructuring of the source to keep things better organized. Along with the changes to structure, the editor is now a bit "smarter" and contains a few new features. First off there are two new highlighting modes. The first allows the user to see what they have modified since the last save/open/new file. The second shows the user what keys do not have values defined for every language. Another small update warns the user before overwriting the current file they are editing when they try to close, open, or create a new file. Check out the latest files in the download section!
The TMX Localization Editor team is excited to announce our first release. This release provides a functional version of the TMX Editor with many basic features implemented. In its current state the editor has the ability to create, save and open TMX xml files, as well as create new languages, keys, and translations. It is available as a source package, win32 executable, win32 installer, and an executable .jar. Head on over to the downloads page and check it out!